Part 21: Update XIX - Goondalf the G(len-wanderer)
Part XIX - Goondalf the G(len-wanderer)Music
Nice happy little trees all over, even on the map.

But our stroll through nature is soon ruined by, you guessed it, Sha'ahoul.

Chapter Three has tons of groups of grunts, which is part of why it's labeled "the Fighter Expansion." The best way to survive large numbers of relatively weak enemies is to armor up. The best way to kill them though, is still magic.

Though aiming becomes a bit problematic when our running around to avoid getting swarmed causes the fight to take place behind trees, with no way to rotate the map.
As usual, each one is worth one Training Point. As one might imagine, that means there are tons of TP available in this Chapter.

There are lots of things to increase, but the first order of business is to build up Stealth for the next Chapter. We don't need a lot, just around a base of 30.

Continuing down the path.

The Forest's layout is similar to the village, except it is 3x3 instead of 2x2. Which means there are 9 of these maps to explore!

Also, there are nice rivers and lakes dotting the landscape.

But also pairs of Sha'ahoul archers and Casters, which can really fuck us up if we're not paying attention.

Fortunately, I am always paying attention.

Our destination is upwards from Forest 2, in Forest 5.

Hey, a human!

Byron: This! [He spreads his arms dramatically as he answers.] This is th' last 'ope of th' 'ole of mankind should th' mighty walls of Avalon fall! Since I'm unsure what yer supposed to know an all, why don't y' seek out th' Captain fer yer questions, eh?

They have a waterwheel that is actually animated!

And also a palisade full of nasty sharp sticks.

Don't forget the creamy elf filling!

Uh huh.

Do you really though, Goondalf?

Surprised they're not crying about all the wood and stone used to make this building.

God damnit, there are even rude traitor elves.

Finally, another human.



Holden won't give us the status report we need until we finish the main quest, so let's talk to more elves!


Well, this is a bit weird. He's talking to us like we're the Fighter class. Maybe something in the patches I installed made it so everyone has access to the middle Chapters' unique training? If so that's kind of lame, it's part of what makes each specialization... special. So I won't be taking the training Oskari offers. But to give an idea, here's what the packages are:
-Weapon Mastery (+3 Coordination, +10 Combat): 30 TP
-Pain Control (+30 HP, +3 Healing Rate): 20 TP
-Fortitude (-10 Restriction): 20 TP
Each of them has a quest we have to do to actually receive the benefit, and in fact we're actually given a penalty for the duration of each one that's thematically relevant to the bonuses we're trying to get. It's tough, but fun.

So that's the outpost. Not much else of interest in Forest 5.

Just a wolf stuck in the trees, unable to kill or be killed.

Going back down to Forest 2, then right to Forest 3, puts us back in the fray immediately.

An ambush!

Probably the greatest challenge of Chapter Three is figuring out where things are. Kiting doesn't always work, especially if we're trying to tank. That would leave Wyatt and Phelic's Apprentice vulnerable.

We manage though, because we're bosses.

Forest 3 also has one of the camps we need to clear out. This is a hell of a fight since it has a Caster too.

Pictured: very high level tanking.
Most of the loot is crap, though there is one item of note.

I love the smell of Fireball in the morning. Smells like victory.
Let's move on. There are two more camps to clear!

Hmm, this bridge looks fine.

And it just leads to a burnt-roof building with nothing inside. Kay. Did Trogdor come through here?

In fact, Forest 3 has a number of ruined buildings.

Plus a non-ruined building we can't get inside (spoiler: it's part of the Fighter training quests).

That's about it for 3, let's blow this joint.

Now we're to the right of the Outpost, and in the middle of more ruins.

Let's round out this update by investigating this creepy graveyard.

Full of hidden Voreworms.

It's almost weird being in a crypt that doesn't have that creepy green glow on everything.

Oh, hey, a walking suit of disembodied armor. Cool. Too bad it immediately starts attacking us, or we could have been friends.

The main prize is this, because actually strong headgear is pretty rare.

This item is related to a Squire-unique thing.

But this is not.

That Coordination penalty is a bet eh, but the rest of it is decent. It's an accessory though, and there's a lot of good competition for accessory slots. Mostly taking it because it looks neat. Why else take things from a tomb?
Today we're going to start with the basics. What do our heroes look like wearing... nothing at all?

Goondalf the G sports some rather long trousers in his naked form. Very disappointing. Especially since his companion Wyatt has no such compunctions.

This risque outfit will make you swoon like you haven't eaten in days. And here in Avalon, you probably haven't!

(Each NPC has certain items that absolutely cannot be removed or replaced. For the knights and such, we can't even remove their armor in most cases, so they're not as interesting to show off. With Wyatt, we can remove everything except his Ring of Protection... and his Leather Greaves.)